Ride with GPS

Activities for Andrew Poynter


Arrivals and Delays

There have been a number of things happen recently that have slowed the progress on Poynterism.com.

Firstly and most importantly is the birth of our little girl Lily Rose Poynter on the 3rd November.

The second is a run of work for me at Queen Mary University London, working on their website.

This does not mean that Poynterism is stoping its just slowing down a little, be assured however that we are going to be making progress before the year is out and plans are afoot for 2012 starting with a lot of work.

Stay tuned, there is much more to come yet...


Poynterism is go, go, gooo!

OK, after much fiddling, reworking, coding and testing the new website is up and running.

There is a nice and simple landing page for all to see with some simple portfolio pages behind it.

I hope you like it. If not say so here.

Thanks for waiting.

The landing page

Who we are...

...and what I do...

... and what Jenny does.

There will be more to come on this, hopefully including a shop to sell prints, t-shirts and other oddities.

Anyway that's it for this post...


Poynterism is go!

Well sort of...

... Poynterism.com now exists on the internets, admitedly there isn't much on it at the moment but more will follow soon.


The N(ail) Factor

As stated in the previous post, some new arts.

There just a simple parody of a well known weekend talent show created in an old style.


 The website will be up and running soon...

...Honest it will.



...Just not where its expected.

There hasn't been much progress on the website development this week, mainly due to sorting out rubbish in the spare (soon to be nursery) room. All the accumulated stuff that has been gathering over the last 3 years is all gone to the tip.

So now it's all systems go for working on the website.

"Never knowingly be serious. Rule 27"
- The Doctor

...there will be some new images coming soon.


Development and oddities

Jenny's pages of the website, basic layout sort of.

Development of the Poynterism website is now underway with Jenny's pages being worked on first. Her exhibition at Goldsmiths went well last week, and now all she needs are the results.

In this atmosphere of learning I've signed up to a course at Central Saint Martins. Its always good to learn new things and develop new skills. More on this at a later date.

On a more unusual note I may be involved in a  BBC 2 Wonderland  documentary. I've always wondered how people get involved in these things and now I know. Its by random luck.

What next I wonder...


This is where it all begins

In the beginning there was a word...

...but no one was there to hear it.